회사 소개

At Partnered Path, we know you want to do better by your child. We can help you better understand your child, minimize power struggles and unwanted behaviors and find more ease and joy in your relationship with your child. We pay special attention to the quirks, superpowers, and needs of Highly Sensitive Children (HSCs). We know that old school discipline doesn’t work well for HSCs, and we will help you find an approach to discipline that works for both you and your child (without letting them completely run the show). We work with parents through one on one and group coaching to resolve their biggest challenges and teach proven parenting strategies that they can use over time to help their children develop into emotionally healthy adults.

평일 시간

월요일 09:00AM - 09:00PM
화요일 09:00AM - 09:00PM
수요일 09:00AM - 09:00PM
목요일 09:00AM - 09:00PM
금요일 불가능

주말 시간

Weekend 시간
토요일 불가능
일요일 불가능